Two Outside the Guild
Two names recently surfaced on my monitor belonging to figures who were well-represented early on in recorded electronic music, but who were not particularly close to the world of professional composers and have slipped into some obscurity. The first name, Ilhan Mimaroglu, appeared, sadly, in an obituary ( here ) had academic compositional credentials but was best-know professionally for his work as a jazz producer (primarily with Charles Mingus) for Atlantic records, which distributed his own music label, Finnadar, which provided Mimaroglu the opportunity to curate a series including his own electronic and acoustic music alongside work, much of it experimental, from Cowell and Varese to Cage, Rzewski and Hays. The second name is that of Tod Dockstader who is still alive, but no longer able to be active and to whom a new blog has been dedicated, here . Dockstader did not have formal musical credentials, but was a professional sound engineer, a career he had entered via animation, ...