P is for Presence
P was first going to be for Passacaglia , because I like writing them and they have a profound and useful relationship to other self-contextualizing musical processes (canons and loops or delay lines, for example), but as a description of my own work, it could as well have been Ground (but not, AFAIC, Ciaconne , which is another story altogether) which would not have made it an honest stakeholder for P in this alphabet. I then thought that P might stand for Pattern . This sent me on a research trip, through Thompson's On Growth and Form and Alexander's A Pattern Language and through numerous but not-tawdry-enough-to-keep-this-poor-soul-engaged mathematical accounts of Pattern . I soon realized that I know next-to-naught about Pattern . Pattern is a very important topic and I should learn more but someone else had better handle it, perhaps in an alphabet of their own. And then again, P could have been for Process . Back in the days in which the label "minimal/i...